Some advent activities and a Victorian dress and bonnet.
Emmy has been busy sewing a Victorian over-dress and bonnet for Boo.
I think a little knitted shawl would be perfect to finish it off don't you?
And a curtsy! Boo doing her very best "poor workhouse girl" impression! Shhhh! If you look close you'll see the hemline isn't cut and sewn up yet. But Boo couldn't wait to try it on and I said you wouldn't let on ;) Besides, it adds to that authentic workhouse charm dosen't it!
Here's the free bonnet pattern we used. The dress was a made with a simple peasant blouse bodice stiched onto a gathered skirt.
Emmy's Aboriginal painting. Each symbol is representative of an aspect of nature and an integral part of the whole design. Each aboriginal painting is not just a work of art but a spiritual and physical story.
Emmy concluded her study of tribal life with an in depth study on aboriginal life and her own dream time painting.
If you haven't seen this film yet I highly recommend it. Not for young children though.