
Sunday 16 August 2020

The Point of Education

The question is not, -- how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education -- but how much does he care? - Charlotte Mason

Education should be so much more than memorising facts, spellings, grammar and formulas. 

Education is about growing as a whole person. It’s about learning empathy, compassion, creativity, problem solving, interpersonal skills, time management, self discipline, health, nutrition, how to run a household, self regulation and many, many more things.

If you’re homeschooling for the first time, please don’t worry your child is getting behind. The deepest and most enduring lessons don’t  come from text books but from experiences and relationships.


  1. Your words touched my soul and made me beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing

    1. That's so kind of you. I'm so glad you stopped by. Thank you for your comment <3

  2. Thank you for another insprirational post! It looks like you had a glorious day!

    1. Thank you so much, It was a beautiful day. My mum's birthday :)


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.