
Friday 11 March 2016

{Soulfood Friday}

I may be a little busy this coming week. Emmy was induced yesterday as she has tested positive for Pre-eclampsia, though thankfully it is only in early stages. Which means that sometime this weekend we should be welcoming a little baby boy into our family!

These pictures were taken from Emmy's 18th birthday a couple of weeks ago.

 Every Friday I'll be pausing to notice something from the week that has nourished my soul. 

A special, sacred-everyday moment captured on camera, or perhaps a snippet from a book, a recipe still warm from the kitchen or something whimsical that simply made me smile.
Here are a few simple things that have fed my soul this week. 

What has inspired/fed/nourished your soul this week friends? 

 Feel free to link up to your own soulful spaces either at the bottom of this post or in the comments.




  1. My prayers for you all...especially for a safe delivery of your precious baby boy!

  2. All the best of strength and spirit to Emmy, I hope her labour goes well. Blessings to your family.

  3. Oh how exciting! I hope all goes well and you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Oh how exciting! A new baby in the family. My best wishes to the new mama

  5. I do hope Emmy and the baby are ok, I was induced with my first it was not the best experience, I hope hers is better. Thinking of you all.

  6. I am hoping as I write this that Emmy had an easy labor and there is a new grandson to be held. I too was induced with my first and my prayers are with you all.
    Much love.

  7. i hope little baby will born healthy and with no birthing complications.

  8. Wishing all the family congratulations. Nothing like it. Beautiful people in this post for sure. Can't wait to see photos.


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.