
Tuesday 1 December 2015


Apparently scientists can trace the DNA of every 7 billion people on this planet back to two common ancestors who lived around 135,000 years ago.

Maybe this is why we all share the same basic needs, desires, dreams, hopes and fears.We all bleed red, weep salt tears and laugh at silly jokes.

It's just that strange ideas about borders, flags, nationalities, tribes, anthems and countries get in the way from time to time.

Half of my family has to pay enormous fees to send their documents halfway across the world in order to apply for a visa to visit us never knowing whether they will be denied the freedom to travel or not. Are they criminals? No they were just born in Albania.

Surely us, ordinary folk of the world who have no say in whether bombs get dropped or how the money gets divided or where the borderlines are drawn can see through the manipulation of those who seek to divide us?

Maybe we can stand on tip toes, stretch our necks and see over those walls.
Maybe we don't have to call off the rescue boats.
Maybe we are just kin who have not met before.

Cartoon Kate: Below an excerpt from{The Calais Cartoon} To see more click here.


  1. We have completely lost the value of Kin. There seems to be a want to build big walls to keep out the 'wrong' people. To suppress those that dare to stand up for what they believe in, the worse form of bullying. It seems that some feel they have the right to suppress others and expect them not to retaliate.

    We all need to feel safe, but not at the expense of others. I am confused, baffled and worried all at the same time.

    1. I completely agree. It seems that the media seems to perpetuate this kind of division. It's all about opposing sides and fear tactics. I've stopped watching the news and reading the papers. The negativity makes me ill.

  2. yes, we are all connected... we have a phrase in South Africa that describes it perfectly: 'ubuntu'- it basically says we are all human through one another... maybe google it... I'm sure someone else would describe it more eloquently...

    1. I love that phrase! The nuances of language tell so much about a people and their culture :)

  3. Those sound like some good rules that all of us need to follow! I am just now catching up on your posts a great ideas and your blog is just like a motivation inspire about the goal really appreciated.Thanks
    Got Soul Food?

  4. we don't decide where are we born, it's unjust to be treated like this just because we come from a country or another.

  5. This is a wonderful post!! How can we not be related if we believe that God created us all!! Have a grand weekend!

    1. Thank you Cathy. Yes, we are all children of our Heavenly Father :)

  6. Thank you for this bright light of wisdom and truth. Contrary to over televised individuals, it restores my faith in the compassion that must still be alive and well in some Americans.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Lisa. I actually live in the UK. But we have our fair share of troubles too :) It seems more and more, around the world, people are allowing their fear to overwhelm their compassion. I hope there is a reverse in the trend soon and we reclaim some of our humanity.


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