
Thursday 12 November 2015

Soulfood Friday

The skies may be blue but Winter's chill whispers on the breeze. Copper dyed green and rose gold leaves flicker and quiver upon bough and bush. Birds dart like startled fish and the sky ripples with drifts of cirrus.

This time of year, gardening can seem like outdoor housework. There are shrubs to prune, saplings to move to preferable locations and the debris of Summer's abundance to clear along with falling leaves.
Yet there is one job I really look forward to every Autumn. Planting bulbs.

A couple of weeks ago Matilda chose to spend some pocket money on a selection of Spring bulbs from our local Garden Nursery.
This afternoon I planted two thirds of them. Some soft pink Double Headed Tulips which I prefer to the bright, brassy red and yellow ones and a few handfuls of Glory in the Snow. Matilda will help me pot up the last of them, some single headed Magenta Tulips, over this coming weekend.

We already have a little cluster of Snowdrops and Grape Hyacinth in the far bed and around the mossy tree stump along with plenty of traditional egg yolk yellow Daffodils by the front of the house. However, there is always space enough for more flowers isn't there?

I love the idea that something is germinating and sending forth tender green shoot beneath the frosted Winter earth. I love to watch and wait. It is a beautiful symbol of hope within the bleak, dark, seemingly barren days of December and January/ Waiting, waiting for those first flickers of life uncurl in fronds of white and green. The tinkling bells of the snow drops first, gamely followed by Crocus, Star of Bethlehem, Hyacinth, Daffodil and finally, regal crowns of Tulip.

Wallflowers in my favourite muted tones

 Every Friday I'll be pausing to notice something from the week that has nourished my soul. 

A special, sacred-everyday moment captured on camera, or perhaps a snippet from a book, a recipe still warm from the kitchen or something whimsical that simply made me smile.
Here are a few simple things that have fed my soul this week. 

What has inspired/fed/nourished your soul this week friends? 
 Feel free to link up to your own soulful spaces either at the bottom of this post or in the comments.




  1. Beautiful quiet pictures!
    Plant bulbs is a lovely meditating work.
    My buls have greatly increased by themselves since I got this garden ... they're everywhere and I have many summer taken out and put in big post, because I want to change the structure of the garden. Later put them back, next summer...
    Enjoy your weekend

  2. I agree that there is something wonderful about planting bulbs in the fall and knowing that they will be popping up in the hopeful. I like to plant crocus because I know they will be the first up when the snow melts...sometimes even coming up before all the snow is gone.

  3. So lovely to be able to plant bulbs, and have them grow. Here, critters do not allow us to do so. My husband gave up planting tulip bulbs, years ago. It just fed the critters. -pout-


  4. It is so lovely that Matilda used some of her own pocket money for bulbs. I did that once when I was a kid too, and the daffodils were still blooming when I was grown up! I was glad I did that. Thank you for the link-up, Suzy Mae. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

  5. such a good inversion of money! we planted some bulbs for this summer and we still have some flowers in the garden :)


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.