
Monday 16 November 2015

Cogglesford Mill tradtional crafts open day

A few weeks ago we visited one of the oldest flour mills in the country during one of their open days. Although the mill went out of business in 1882 it still works and volunteers open the mill once a month to grind a small amount of flour for sale. We bought a bag of wholemeal for bread making. The Mill hosted a number of country craft stalls and activities and the children got to make their own corn dollies.

It was fascinating to watch a traditional spoon maker at work.
Besides making and selling beautifully carved wooden spoons he runs traditional craft and forestry courses for young adults aged between 16 and 18 years old.  I think this kind of vocational training is wonderful and wish their were more opportunities for kids to learn traditional crafts before the knowledge of them disappears altogether.
Beside the spoon display I noticed some leaflets for Woodland Burials. I've always said that I want to be buried beneath a tree wrapped in a natural cloth that will biodegrade easily.  I find the idea of a tree marking my time here on this earth to be something beautiful, hopeful and living.  A peaceful spot for family to visit whenever they wish. Far better than a tomb stone and much less expensive.

The girls enjoyed trying their hands at hand milling the grain using a quern. We were all  surprised how heavy and tiring the work was. This work is where the saying "hand to the grindstone" comes from. It really is a grind. The people of long ago must have had incredibly well developed arm muscles.

There are beautiful views over the Mill of the river below.

It was interesting to learn how mills changed over time.

The woman who helped the children with their corn dollies was very patient. We spent ages admiring her incredible work.

I love the millers hat!

After our visit the children played by the river before having a lovely lunch at the cafe.

Sharing with a Spirit of Simplicity


  1. Fantastic! I love how these little places can connect us to our ancestry.

  2. What a wonderful place - I love these old mills isn't it a shame that there aren't many working ones left. I also love the fact that people still practice these old crafts - we have lost so much in the name of progress. Your girls looked happy getting involved. So much better to see the real thing instead of just reading about in books don't you think.

  3. How fun! I love seeing the old mills up and running. We still buy our flour from a mill that has been running since the mid 1800s. I love our bi-weekly trips there, and the connection to the past I feel when I am there.

  4. what a fascinating place! and how wonderful to try all those traditional crafts/activities.

  5. What a lovely place. I could watch people making things all day if I have the time. Any crafts are always fascinating to me. Those corn dollies are amazing, how wonderful to be able to make one.

  6. This is indeed a lovely place. In our historic town of Bardstown, Ky. we have an entire Pioneer Village where all these types a held during the warm weather. Weaving, broom making, Flint making and all kinds of pioneer recreations. I am early for Soulful life but that is okay. Love your post.

  7. That's beautiful. Its nice to see a family who appreciates the charm of the old world.

  8. OH, these pictures are magical!!!! I just keep scrolling through again and again. What a lovely day you must have had!!!!


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