
Thursday 17 September 2015

Soulfood Friday

Our internet connection has been very haphazard over the last couple of weeks. Indeed, I was not sure I would even be able to write this weeks Soulfood  Friday post. 
I have felt frustrated at times, as the line falters between the beginning and sending of e-mails or the replying to messages and comments.

Yet this lack of online conversation has carved out space in the days I had forgotten existed.
Beyond the screen is a wide open field. And it can be quite daunting to step out into it.

It is much easier for me to check facebook or Instagram than spend some one on one time with my thoughts, especially if those thoughts tend toward worry. Change brings out the Hobbit within me and there have been many changes here at home over the last few weeks.

But, if I roll a picnic blanket over that soft green grass and actually sit still for long enough, I find another world, one with still waters and green pastures.
Somehow, this inner world  makes the outer world, truer, braver, more authentic and more real.

 The Clay Jug
Inside this clay jug there are canyons

and pine mountains, and the maker of

canyons and pine mountains!

All seven oceans are inside, and

hundreds of millions of stars.

The acid that tests gold is there, and

the one who judges jewels.

And the music from the strings

no one touches, and the source of

all water.

If you want the truth, I will tell you

the truth:

Friend, listen:

the God whom I love is inside.

Simple soulfoods for this week.
  • Plaiting Wheat stalks for Harvest Festival.
  • A pantry stocked with beautiful, wholesome food.

  • Making dinner with Matilda. She loves to chop the vegetables.



  1. What a wonderful poem. . ."the God whom I love is inside." Thank you!!!!

  2. Hi Suzy Mae, I hope things settle down for you soon. Thank you for the link-up and have a good weekend.

  3. I think that's it isn't it, sometimes we need to sit and be still but we don't really want to do big thinking and it's so much easier to walk the path that dances above and doesn't go too deep, but when we dive in it really does feed the soul.

  4. I do hope peace hugs you close and the worry fades away.
    Beautiful photos as always my dear.
    Much love,

  5. Happy you are wise enough to find peace..... By allowing yourself to find your calming inner world.

    Gentle hugs,

  6. Beautiful poem. That open wide field is a stunning place, and while daunting to step into, once you do you realize it is so worth it. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. beautiful text... when there's nothing like internet or tv to full our minds, then there our minds flow... and it's magic and it's great. but then we return to internet :) well, it isn't so bad, there's a lot of information and beautiful things to see.

  8. such a beautiful poem, love you

  9. I love that clay jug. It's nice to have a helper in the kitchen...wonderful memories are being made there.

  10. I too have a very hard time with the nothing and then I have the thoughts. they always seem to roll about my head. maybe that is why i tune out a lot? maybe my internet needs to go out. :P
    love the poem, very very much. and your amazing photos. <3

  11. Yes, sometimes we are forced to just be with our thoughts... Lovely images...

  12. Beautiful. I love the wheat wreath as well. I tried to find some wheat stalk here for our nature table but it's been a challenge in this suburb of ours. It's a bit frustrating how far we are from nature living this way. Inspiring share, as always.


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.