
Thursday 3 September 2015

Soulfood Friday

We spent a quiet couple of hours this week in search of woodland apples.
I love to watch for signs of the changing season, noticing the turn in hue and tone of leaf and bough.
The hawthorns are already ripening.

Cow Parsley have gone to seed.

At last, deep in the most secret part of the wood, apples hang in rosy clusters.
They are like little jewels, odd in size and often housing several worms at a time, but made sweet by sunlight and crisp by air and far better than any perfect shop bought specimens.

All things glimmer gold.

Rose hips dapple the hedgerow.

Thistledown quivers amongst flailing grass.

And we end up with a handsome hoard of apples for crumbles and pies.

The woods are like medicine for me. This peaceful walk was truly a sanctuary in the midst of one busy and emotional week,

Every Friday I'll be pausing to notice something from the week that has nourished my soul.
A special, sacred-everyday moment captured on camera, or perhaps a snippet from a book, a recipe still warm from the kitchen or something whimsical that simply made me smile. 
Here are a few simple things that have fed my soul this week.

What has inspired/fed/nourished your soul this week friends?

Feel free to link up to your own soulful spaces either at the bottom of this post or in the comments.



  1. Again, lovely photos and lovely words...

    And so nice to pictures of your handsome man.


  2. Oh how lovely, definitely glowing gold. And I'm glad it was there when you needed it most!

  3. such awesome, peaceful photos.

  4. Your photos are so pretty. I love this time of year.

  5. You paint a beautiful picture with image and words. I'm so glad I found your blog. It is a breath of fresh air and a calming cup of tea rolled into one. Thank you :)

  6. I understand completely your connection with nature as I feel it too. How pretty the apples are in your photos, the squirrels ate mine, but there are still pears that I'm hoping to share.
    I have spent all day thinking it's Friday and I see it is in your world so I guess I need to go by your time :)
    Enjoy the day and the weekend.

  7. A wonderful series in a amazing golden mood!
    I like the woodland apples too, I know one tree with aromatic sweet red apples, only not every year it is possible to get there (my eyes getting more and more worse, can no more ride a bike such impassable route). Well, I go through the meadows...
    Have a blessed weekend

  8. such a peaceful walk... beautiful photos! it's too soon for apples here, but they're growing and turning into a delicious red.

  9. I loves the beautiful soft hues in these pictures- so calming! Have a beautiful weekend!

  10. So peaceful and lovely.

  11. Really lovely, such fantasy; I am adding you to my blog list so I can remember to come back and join in on Friday.

  12. I can almost feel the sun and smell the apples. Wonderful thoughts!


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.