
Thursday 20 August 2015

{Soulfood Fridays}

Every Friday I'll be pausing to notice something from the week that has nourished my soul.
A special, sacred-everyday moment captured on camera, or perhaps a snippet from a book, a recipe still warm from the kitchen or something whimsical that simply made me smile. 
Here are a few simple things that have fed my soul this week.

Our first log fire of the year.


This poem from this book.

Some thoughts on Summer storms
Opaque clouds sieve golden leaves of light to damp earth.
Summer's last gift.
I watch the rain with my yarn basket close by.
Woolen threads weave through my fingers
And fall to cloth on my knees.

A cuddle just when needed. 

 What has inspired/fed/nourished your soul this week friends?
Feel free to link up to your own soulful spaces either at the bottom of this post or in the comments.




  1. You had a fire, inside your home?!!! Gosh, I would love that, but we are still months away. Today was a heat index of 102. Hey, at least we are down from 117!
    It is raining here as I type and I am enjoying the sound of on roof. I hope it lasts until bedtime so I can hear it as I fall asleep.
    Happy weekend.

  2. Great post :) Hugs from all in a days work!

  3. Love the concentration on the "first log on the fire" photo!! As always your photos are just wonderful! Wishing you a grand weekend!

  4. cuddles are always welcome! beautiful poem and photos; the first fire glowed here too... happy weekend!

  5. beautiful..... and thank you xxx

  6. Lovely soul food. Love that third shot!

  7. That first photo is amazing--so soft and dreamy. Some of these mornings feel like we could use a fire too, but I think we'll try to hold off a while...thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. Your photos are just stunning. I love the first one, so cozy and warm. My soul was nourished this week with time in nature, meals from the backyard, and time to be creative.

    Enjoy your weekend. xo

  9. Gorgeous photos! And I have that book, it's a beaut!

    It's lovely to catch up here, now I finally have my lap top fixed and my blog up and running again :o)

  10. Lovely photos. I love your guitar that's in the background! :)

  11. Absolutely beautiful shots!

  12. i shall be joining this in the future. i need a good reminder of the beauty in my life <3


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.