
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Free Shawl Pattern - Forgotton Ways for Modern Days

I received the most lovely surprise in the post yesterday.

By the luckiest chance I won the beautiful book "Forgotten Ways for Modern Days" over at Annie Cholewa.
Please pop over to visit her thoughtful space if you get a chance. You'll be glad you did.

I always use natural, gentle and homemade products around the home but have found myself uninspired by household tasks of late. I suppose it is easy to fall into survival mode with a big, busy family. What is that saying about shoveling snow while it's still snowing?
I understand that I need a level of beauty and order around me. It is the way I'm made. (Moon in Libra)
Yet I am  comfortable with homely shabbiness. I enjoy seeing piles of books, jars of colouring pencils, floury counter-tops and scattered balls of yarn. These are the marks of a happy, full and living home. 
But a drop of essential oil, the scent of lemon zest, mustard yellow drying balls for winter loads and pots of salad resting on the windowsill ... make my heart happy.
And more than that, they inspire me to enjoy the small tasks again.
Today I am ordering some roving to make those mustard yellow dryer balls with the girls.

Last week I had a need to knit something very simple and warm for myself. I wanted something therapeutic, rhythmical and garter stitched. I learned to knit by knitting garter stitch squares and there is the nostalgia I suppose.
I wasn't sure whether this shawl would turn out as I hoped but somehow, as if by magic the vision in my head appeared upon my needles.

It is a very simple pattern. Gauge doesn't really matter as the garter stitch pattern is very forgiving and allows for a lot of stretch. This shawl is pretty much medium sized but it can be adjusted by knitting more rows in the middle section to make it longer.

Using 3.75 needles and 100grams Sirdar Country Style DK in Slate
Cast on 3 stitches

First row K2, knit into the front and back of next stitch
Second row knit

Continue in this way increasing on one side of the shawl every other row until you have 72 stitches on your needle.

Now increase every 4th row instead of every 2nd row until you have 75 stitches on your needle 

Continue knitting straight in garter stitch for  about 6 inches or so. (your yarn will probably end around 3 inches in and this will mark your halfway point)

Instead of increasing on the second stitch from the bottom edge of the shawl you'll now be decreasing by knitting two stitches together.

First row of decrease: K2, k2tog, knit to end of row
Knit next 3 rows straight

Repeat until you have 72 stitches on your needle

Then continue decreasing by knitting two stitches then knitting two stitches together at the beginning of  every other row (the bottom edge of your shawl)  until three stitches remain on your needle.
Knit two together.

Cast off.

You can stretch the shawl length ways and block for a wider wrap that you can pin with a shawl pin.
I decided to sew the points together without blocking first (about an inch and a half along both seams) I wore it this way all day yesterday and it seems to work well.

Joining Small things and Frontier Dreams


  1. Lovely shawl, on your lovely daughter.

    Oh my, look at that beautiful hair! Oh sigh, oh sigh. She is so lucky to have it. She has to always look like she stepped out of a painting, with that lovely hair. :-)


    1. I'm smiling from ear to ear. Feeling like I've just been ID'd lol :) That's not a picture of my daughter, bless her, she's up on the right hand corner of the blog. It's a picture me :) She sneaked the ones of me sitting down on the grass.

    2. -clapping hands- This is wonderful.

      But your Icon pic, shows you with straight hair. Yes? But of course, 'curly girls' straighten their hair. I know, I know. ,-)


  2. What a lovely book. I have been very tempted to treat myself. Would love to know more about your cleaning products. Limescale is a real problem for us. Shawl looks great. I was inspired by your hats last week. Can I ask how you found working with the Divine yarn please?

    1. I'm hoping to get round to a cleaning products post one of these days, thanks for the reminder :)
      Sirdar "Divine" is not your silky, smooth kind of yarn but considering it's think/thin and a mix of both very fuzzy mohair type fibers and metallic threads I didn't find it too difficult to work with. I find the constant variations in texture, colour and pattern exciting to work with and worth some of the difficulties with tension.
      Hope that helps :) Thanks for your comment!

  3. Thanks for sharing your lovely shawl pattern.
    Totally agree with you about crayons books etc being the marks of a happy full home unfortunately my husband doesn't share the same opinion.....

  4. I love seeing your beautiful smiling face and your beautiful shawl.
    Part of my family left yesterday to move to Germany and I can not seem to shake the depression that has come down on my so heavily, but I must tell you coming here and reading your words has brought such a sense of calm to me, just what I needed so thank you Suzy Mae.

  5. Dear Tracey, I'm so sorry, it is so hard to be apart from those we love. Praying you find comfort and peace these days. I'm humbled and deeply glad that this little space has offered some calm. Hugs xx

  6. that book looks very interesting. and the shawl turned out great!

  7. Thank you for sharing the pattern, it looks lovely - gorgeous photos!

  8. Supercute shawl

  9. I have been looking for a shawl pattern to make when the cooler weather hits us in autumn. I love your sweet blog here and plan on being a frequent visitor. I will be back to join you on Friday.

  10. haha your home sounds like my home!

  11. I'm so glad you liked it!

    Fab shawl :o)


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.