
Wednesday 22 July 2015

{ Blogging }

I have been blogging on and off for around 9 years. During that time I've taken many sabbaticals. 
I've also had many different blogs over the years.
I've often wondered why I've moved from one blog to the other rather than staying in one place. 
It seems a little schizophrenic.

Each blog represents a different aspect of my life I suppose. 
I have my writing life, my crafting - doll making life - my family life - my spiritual life and my political, thinking, pondering and wondering life.
Each is a part of me yet together they seem a little broad to stand beneath a single umbrella.
Perhaps, categorizing everything is a kind of virtual housekeeping. 
I'm not generally into categories. People are gorgeous shape-shifters, beyond label. Yet niche  has become convention. It can be scary to reveal too much, I understand that well myself. Who is reading your words beyond family and friends {both virtual and real}

I've also assumed that blog readers who would be interested in my crafting might not be so interested in my ideas on politics, health, spirituality or home and family life so it has made sense to create a different blog to cover each subject.
This blog is already beginning to refocus away from articles on homeschooling and I am hoping it will integrate more aspects of my life and thoughts without alienating current readers.

During this period of healing, this space has become a place of reflection and a channel for my creativity.  
 I write for myself but I also love connecting with others through the medium of blogging.
I don't fit into categories very easily and my tastes and interests are very eclectic. 
Over the years I've morphed from Christian mum blogger to craft blogger to home-school blogger, to poetry blogger, I even tried political blogger but found it way too stressful {this is meant to be virtual therapy} Each of those bloggers is equally  a part of me. Yet, under convention they can't meet! 
Or can they? Mmmm.

I love connecting with people who are very different from myself. I love to learn, grow and have my perspectives challenged.

Health-wise, I am feeling so much better but I still have some wobbly days and tremendous tiredness. Writing and photography is very soothing for me so this place is a wonderful outlet and I am grateful for it and the people I've met through it.

Blogging has changed very much over the last decade. As I wrote in my comment over at Spirit Cloth:

" Blogging has definitely changed during the years. Not necessarily for the worse as some might say. I think the blog world has diversified which is good. It is more open and less cliquey and people are less fearful of commenting and connecting with people of different views, lifestyles etc... It has become more of a commercial platform though and in that there is a danger that bloggers can be perceived to lack authenticity in order to gain followers. I think it is usually quite easy to tell the difference between a commercial blogger and a genuine artist/writer etc and people can be free to connect with what resonates best with them... I love blogging and bloggers, it is a great way to connect, reflect, learn and grow."

And with that I'll close my small ode to blogs and bloggers.
Have a lovely day. The sun is shining brightly here. I hope it is shining brightly with you too!
I'm off to the garden :) xx


  1. I am blessed by your blog.

  2. I, second that comment by Denise

  3. I just wish I'd found your blog sooner, all those years of getting to know you - in the weird and wonderful and not-quite way we know other bloggers - missed.

    I too have been struggling, blogwise, with how to accomodate the me I am now and not lose exisiting readers. And I've realised that I'm worrying too much and maybe trying too hard. As with everything else in life the important thing is to just turn up and be yourself. Particularly because with all the commercial pressures you mention more and more blogs become homogenised versions of one another and the individual voices of fascinating people become harder to hear.

    Final thought, one advantage of moving blogs is that you get to leave the old stuff behind, like a butterfly emerging.

    1. I love the simplicity of " just turning up and being myself." Blogging, for me, can easily become too inwardly focused and self concious. The blogs I love best and return to most have a strong, unique voice. I love to feel the personality of the writer come through clearly in word and image form.
      I also love the idea of transformation and shedding what has gone before in order to emerge more fully into our present.

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment :)

    2. I, too, love the simplicity of "just turn up and be yourself"...if you can't do that, I wonder if it is worth it?

  4. I am glad that you are having good days, health wise, and that writing and photography are soothing for you.

    I see the blogging world changing a little bit, but like you, I am not sure it is a bad thing. Everything changes, it has to, and we evolve with it, we share our stories, our thoughts, and we also learn from others, who may challenge us to step up to the plate and grow and change ourselves. It's a pretty cool place, this blog world, and I have no plans to go anywhere. And please know, whatever you choose to share in this space, I will be here, reading your words, and looking at your beautiful images.


  5. Thank you so much for your kind words Kim :) I agree with you. Change is sometimes nessecary. Without change it is easy to get stuck in a rut.

  6. I always love to come and read your words whatever you are writing about. I have been taking a break from writing and reading blogs for the past month but I am missing it. The pause will be my change.

    1. I saw you were on a break. Please let me know when you are writing again, I love your blog. I hope you enjoy your restful time away though. :) xx

  7. I love your thoughts on it all, I truly underestimated the part of blogging that makes it stressful - the what is the point of this blog part. That said, I love coming here and enjoying your peace about it all, no matter what you are writing about. So glad you are feeling a bit better. xo

    1. Thank you Carlin. So glad to have you :) x

  8. I fully understand this. I feel like I'm continually working on integrating all the diverse parts of myself into one whole online. I am getting less worried about who I offend and becoming more honest with what I share. For me there needs to a conscious intent in sharing the silly alongside the warts alongside the attempts at beauty. I need people to see all those sides of me so that I remain true to myself and not start believing some fairy tale I've constructed about who I am. :) I am so glad you are blogging again and feeling a little better. I've loved you in all your incarnations online and I'm just flat out privileged to have you as one of my friends. xo

    1. (silly/beautiful/warts) I'm going to make that my new tagline :) Love it! And am so thrilled you are a friend. Without blogging I would never have connected with you and that would have been very sad indeed:) xx

  9. I fully understand this. I feel like I'm continually working on integrating all the diverse parts of myself into one whole online. I am getting less worried about who I offend and becoming more honest with what I share. For me there needs to a conscious intent in sharing the silly alongside the warts alongside the attempts at beauty. I need people to see all those sides of me so that I remain true to myself and not start believing some fairy tale I've constructed about who I am. :) I am so glad you are blogging again and feeling a little better. I've loved you in all your incarnations online and I'm just flat out privileged to have you as one of my friends. xo

  10. i'm so happy i found your blog <3 glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.