
Thursday 2 July 2015

A big announcment

There have been many changes here at home over the last few months.

Last October, I became ill and then I became ill again... One infection and/or illness after another.
It felt as if my body was breaking down. By April I was almost completely disabled. I was so ill I couldn't move out of bed.
I had adrenal fatigue, low iron levels and a low white blood cell count.

I went into a very deep meditation during this time. I felt like a thousand birds were flying out of my body and time slowed right down.

For the last 3 months I've not had any alcohol, caffeine and hardly any sugar. I could only eat and drink liquids for the first week or so, so my body went through I kind of detox by default.
I have cut out 3/4 of my intake of wheat and starch. Not to follow any specific diet. My body has just become very sensitive and my intuition has become very focused. My body seems to be telling me very explicitly what it needs and what is harmful to it.

I don't have the same energy as I did before. However, I think much of the energy I've had over the past few years has been false energy, built on stress, adrenaline and coffee.

I am not accomplishing much at the moment. I'm not being productive.
It is hard to see things pile up and not necessarily fix them straight away.

I have been allowing myself time to heal. I've followed the prompts of my soul and my body, I've gardened, sat down with a book for an afternoon, gone for walks with my dog, written with paper and pencil, knitted simple hats and prayed.

Both my parents are elderly and in need of extra help and support which I can't give until my immunity improves. Emmy is now at college full time and working part time so I've lost the company of a dear friend and kind helper during the day. So with a heavy heart and actual tears as I write this I have found a beautiful village school for the children to go to. The school is affiliated with a local forest school, has an eco garden, frog pond and clay oven for bread baking. It really couldn't be any closer to a Steiner school except being a state school it's within our budget :)

As this blog mainly focuses on homeschooling I have been in a quandary about whether to continue writing here or not.

Would my readers be interested in posts about health, wellness, poetry, philosophy, gardening, knitting and basically a whole bunch of randomness fresh from my head as well as the usual fare of natural play, learning, parenting etc...?

Please feel free to comment and let me now. I welcome your words!

I am sure many of you will feel upset about the changes. I am still an advocate of homeschooling and will always believe in natural, community and family based learning for children.

Sadly, I have no family of my own and Tani's family are miles away in Albania so there is little to no immediate support for us as I navigate my way back to health and healing which is the main reason why we've decided that we can't homeschool for the time being.

Although we have some wonderful homeschooling friends they are dispersed and we can only meet up (realistically) once a week at most.

I yearn for a tribe of families, elders, babies, little ones, teens to live with and learn from. I yearn to pop my head out of the front door and ask to borrow a bottle of milk or a sprig of bay and in turn trade and/ or share experience and expertise with others who seek a more soulful and sustainable path.

I have always hoped to provide a comfy spot for those who stop by this nook on the great interwebs! I have certainly connected with some beautiful souls over the years. I hope to continue to do so, as our family's journey winds it's way along another moss strewn, fern filled path.

Red Campion

Ox Eye Daisy

Meadow Buttercup

Red Clover

Cow Parsley or Queen Annes Lace

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.…Proverbs 3:5

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.  
Psalm 127.1


  1. Liebe Suzy,
    es gibt immer neue Wege, die Du gehen mit. Auch wenn es Dir nicht gefällt. Viele Jahre später weißt Du dass es richtig war. Das wichtigste ist die Liebe zu Deiner Familie. Gesund werden und für sie Dasein. Veränderungen tun weh, aber sie sind notwendig um zu verstehen,das es einen stärker macht und die Familie zusammen hält.
    Gott ist einfach da.
    Vielen Dank für die Worte. Ich werde immer gerne bei Dir lesen. Ich bin jetzt über 50 Jahre. Meine Wege waren nicht leicht. Unsere Familie hält zusammen und wir sind glücklich eine große Familie zu sein.
    Gute Besserung und setze Dich nicht selber unter Druck. Liebe Grüße Katja

  2. Liebe Suzy,
    es gibt immer neue Wege, die Du gehen mit. Auch wenn es Dir nicht gefällt. Viele Jahre später weißt Du dass es richtig war. Das wichtigste ist die Liebe zu Deiner Familie. Gesund werden und für sie Dasein. Veränderungen tun weh, aber sie sind notwendig um zu verstehen,das es einen stärker macht und die Familie zusammen hält.
    Gott ist einfach da.
    Vielen Dank für die Worte. Ich werde immer gerne bei Dir lesen. Ich bin jetzt über 50 Jahre. Meine Wege waren nicht leicht. Unsere Familie hält zusammen und wir sind glücklich eine große Familie zu sein.
    Gute Besserung und setze Dich nicht selber unter Druck. Liebe Grüße Katja

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lovely encouraging note Katja :) I too have come to believe that it takes the perspective of years to realize why things happen the way they do. And yes, love comes first, it is always the most important thing in the end :) xx

  3. Seems to me that when you came to a place where home schooling was no longer possible that God's provision of a school was there for you. I pray that you will grow stronger inside and out as time goes on and that your children will be blessed. I hope you stay with your blog because it brings so much to so many of us who quietly dip in and out.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement Patricia :) It did seem as if it really was providence that we got the places we needed just when we needed them. Even when I can't see the right way God knows the path we need to be on. xx

  4. I'm going to be very honest here, and say that your situation is very close to my own. I have had those same feelings - about the blog - as I had to send my children to school too. I would love to hear more about any of those topics - whether on this blog or via other correspondence, I am inspired by your connection to your body and intuition, and have been going through a bit of the same thing (which has also included a form of fasting). I hope you are feeling better. xo

    1. Thank you so much Carlin :) I really appreciate your comment. It is strengthening to know that others can relate. There are so many conflicting emotions that come with the transition. On one hand I'm heartbroken and on another I feel as if maybe we were meant to take this new direction. I am excited about opening up more in this space and sharing a broader range of ideas, thoughts and topics. xx

  5. oh my dear friend, i'm so proud of you for doing what you need to do. and that school looks amazing, i checked out the link you posted on fb and was in awe. so beautiful. if we were closer i would send my kids with yours just for the lovely, holistic experience of it all. and so that our girls could be besties of course ;) love you so.

    1. Thank you (((Amy))) That woodland school looks amazing doesn't it! Unfortunate it is a little far from us. But yes, that would certainly be close to perfection. And I too wish we could live closer. Maybe we should make our own hobbit school! :)

  6. Oh, I am am so sorry but at the same time wonder if I can relate in some small way - your story is a good reminder that we cannot do it on our own strength and nor should we try (oh how I am so often guilty of this) but instead give it all to the Lord.
    I will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Thank you for your words and prayers :) I am so grateful that I have my faith. I can give to God what I cannot carry.

  7. Oh Lovely, I am so sorry to hear that you have not been well. Were we closer geographically I would most certainly avail myself to you in any way you felt helpful to you. I love your blog and would miss it. However, I would enjoy only what you could comfortably place on the pages. It is OK not to be OK! Take rest, heal, be still. May our healer and comforter lead you and may you follow....<3

    1. Thank you so much Doreen :) That is so sweet of you to say. I think I'm beginning to learn once and for all that it is okay not to be okay :) xx

  8. i am so happy to see a post from you and i am oh so sorry you have been so ill. i would LOVE to read whatever you want to post about when you feel up to it again. ((hug))

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I look forward to reconnecting with you all and sharing my heart in this space again :) xx

  9. A dear friend gave me some great, simple advice recently. "You need to fit your own oxygen mask first".... Your children can't thrive if you aren't thriving. Xx

    1. That is a wonderful quote. I think we can sometimes get disconnected from our needs, we just push through and pour out and then wonder why the tank is suddenly empty :) xx

  10. It's entirely up to you but I have always delighted in your photography and beautiful writings. I am so sorry to year you have been so very ill. Like others I wish I lived closer in order to help in anyway I can. Instead, I will add you to my prayers. With love and prayers!!

    1. Thank you Cathy for all your kindness, encouragement and prayers. It means a great deal :) xx

  11. I would definitely be interested in hearing from you when and if you have the energy on whichever topic! So glad to "see" you and I do understand about the fatigue. I have struggled with autoimmune issues for years and just this year feel like I have a better handle on it although I am still whittling away things and adding things to see what helps. At one point I was so exhausted I could barely climb the stairs. It takes a toll! Please take care of yourself and I will be praying for you.

    1. Thank you revised vision :) I'm so sorry to hear that you've struggled with health issues for so long, it is so very draining. Whittling is a great way to describe the process of healing:)

  12. Oh my dear I do hope you continue to heal and smile daily. I for one just love seeing your photos and reading your words, it doesn't have to be about homeschooling.
    Wishing you a happy week!

  13. love and prayers for you.

    1. Thank you Denise, That is very kind of you :)

  14. I was so pleased to see a new post, but was saddened to learn you've experienced health issues.
    As for the blog, I'd love to read anything; it's your choice, and your words contain wisdom.
    I'm glad your family discovered the school, and I'm certain your children rest in your unconditional love.
    Please know you will remain in my prayers.
    With love and prayers.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and prayers Gail. Lovely to see you :)

  15. Catching up here. So very sorry that you have not been feeling well, but I am happy to see you are taking care of yourself, and are on the road to feeling better.

    This space you created here is beautiful, and whatever you choose to write about I will be reading. The school sounds just wonderful, and it would be nice to hear a little bit about their experiences there as well.

    Wishing you continued recovery, and know that I will keep you in my thoughts. xo

    1. Thank you so much Kim :) Writing is such good therapy and I'm so happy that I'll be able to connect with you all again :) I've missed it! xx


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.