
Tuesday 24 September 2013

A Beautiful Day

We spent a lovely day at Belvoir Lodge.
The girls enjoyed meandering  around the extensive gardens and pretending to get lost. Except for Nola who really truly nearly got lost. She is into suddenly charging off at the least expected moments and as this beautiful garden is somewhat of a labyrinth there were a few "catch your breath" moments for this Mama.
There is the most beautiful west facing rose garden which glows like gilded gold at dusk! It also has wonderful views over the vale.
The giant bubbles "below" were a huge hit although it took quite some time for the younger girls (and their parents) to get the hang of it. Luckily our lovely scout leader was on hand "always ready to help" to demonstrate the technique!


The girls were all emamoured by the stalls.
There was a craft stall, a book stall and plant stall and a cake and pastry stall.
The cake and pastry stall got the best of the girl's pocket money.
But there was a little left over for two sweet handmade bears and the book below, which is a bit of an ambitious read for a girl who can't read yet but Seraphina wanted it so badly.
She has spent the last week carrying it around making up the most wonderful story as she "read" it to us. Actually the lady at the book stall was so kind.
She saw that the girls were really interested in the books and told them they could each pick one for free! I thought this was such a beautiful thing for the girl's to hear.
Kindness is infectious.

At dusk we made a procession for evening mass. It was a really beautiful walk.

This cross stands on the ground where King Henry VIII burned down an ancient monastery during his reign. The ordinary monks were killed straight away with the abbots and priests being taken to London to be hung drawn and quartered if they did not renounce their faith. It brings me to tears and makes me shudder to think of it.

This cross is a stark but poignant reflection as the sun sets and we pray for those who died and who still die for their faith (whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Pagan, Hindu, Buddhist or anything other faith) .

The Mass was celebrated by two monks "very exciting"!!! You don't get to see real, live monks that often any more :)
The Mass was one of those Mass's that just give you warmth, even though it was a properly cold and chilly early Autumn evening!

As twilight approaches we head back home.

A beautiful day.


  1. Looks like a beautiful day to me too! Lovely to see! Greetings

  2. You certainly captured the beauty of the day! What a wonderful place. Glad you all enjoyed the autumn sun.


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.