
Thursday 1 August 2013

33 Random Things about me

  • I hum or sing when I'm embarrassed. I'm doing a bit of both right now :)
  • I didn't talk until I was 3 years old.
  • After contemplating this list for some time, I realise that I am not actually very interesting after all :)
  • I don't mind getting older, I feel like I fit being old better than being young. Wrinkles don't scare me.
  • I dislike modern architecture, design, fashion and lots of other moderny things, I find them harsh looking, and full of too many straight lines, bling and primary colours.
  • I like old, broken things that have a story.
  • I often dream of being Amish, bonnet, buggie and all!
  • When I was little I wanted to be four things when I grew up, a nurse, a ballerina, an artist and a nun, ha!
  • I am a super messy (eat with my fingers) eater. I have to be careful what I order in restaurants :)
  • I can't stand feeling like I've hurt someone, it gives me a deep ache.
  • I only started coming out of my shell in my mid twenties.
  • I feel stronger now and softer too. Life is made of strange paradoxes.
  • I know nothing about motherhood even though I have five children :) I only follow my heart and try my best with what I've got and hope it will be enough. Often I'm sure it's not. 
  • My children are my dear friends and my great teachers.
  • Although, in principle,  I love the romance of the gypsy life, I've come to accept that I'm actually a homebody. I like to put down deep roots and feel a connection to the place in which I live.
  • I find God in sunlight, sky, earth and birdsong more than books or buildings.
  • I love to simply sit, preferably, in a sunny spot and just let my imagination wander far, wide and free.
  • If I'm listening to music I don't like to talk. I just like to listen.
  • I think that we are all here for a purpose. 
  • I think the lesson of my life is to learn how to love properly.
  • I need to see trees outside my window.
  • I can't live without dark chocolate.
  • I can't sing but I love to sing anyway
  • When I grow up I want to be the crazy lady who lives in a log cabin in the woods, keeps nine cats and makes pots.
  • I am a dreamer :)
  • Going into town makes me anxious, as do supermarkets, bright lights and crowds.
  • When I was younger I used to be super sensitive, my skin felt on edge all the time. It still does sometimes.
  • I don't like judgmental attitudes or gossiping.  To always assume the best of others bestows dignity, on them and on ourselves.
  • I believe, everyone deserves to be loved and accepted for who they are.
  • I can be way too serious when I should lighten up and way to silly and irreverent when I should just sit still and take note.
  • My favourite flowers are daffodils.
  • I love empire line or ankle length medieval dresses and would happily wear them everyday. 
  •  In all my life, I have never, and probably will never iron anything.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh.... this speaks to my soul. We have so much in common it seems, but I am just discovering so much of this about myself and am trying to adjust my life accordingly. I'm glad to have found your blog. You've found a new follower :)


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.