
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Baby Speak

Random Nola vocabulary... just because I have to remember these small but oh so significant details:)...They go by so fast!

ewaawa = The song "Zousan the Elephant" by Elizabeth Mitchell. Nola requests elephant whenever she is sad or sick or just wants a cuddle. It's been her favourite song since really little, never failing to calm and soothe her.

gop = stop - multipurpose
wahwah = milk
gom = gone
geegee = jesus
wuvoo = love you
gagoo mama = thank you mama
ooop = soup
oo - ooos,  baa baaas and meeowws = monkeys, sheep and cats  (she identifies animals by the sounds they make)

Her favourite animal are owls like Fina's was at the same age. She loves their  "big wownd aeyees".

She tries to do ballet practice with her sisters now, I can't actually describe how cute this is.
She loves to roly-poly.

She loves to draw constantly, or paint, or just plunge her hand into the water jar or dip her fingers in the watercolors.

She very much dislikes bedtimes. And sleeping in general. There is just too much fun stuff to do when you're awake right?

Today she woke after nap time and ran up to Fina shouting Beena, Beena, wuvoo, wuvoo, kissumee now (see above for translation)

She loves to drop her animals and blankets out of her cot while innocently saying Dwopt it and obviously expecting it to be picked up in a timely manner.

 She loves the i-pad (which she is not really allowed to use)  because it has "picters". She calls the i-pad a Bubabee.

When Tani gently tells her for the 19th time in a row that she can't play with the Bubabee she tilts her head and in a very super cute, optimistically high pitched voice says, clear as day i-pad?

She does not take to meals but loves to snack on crunchy foods such as veggie sticks, fruit, bread sticks, cereals, rice crackers and prawn crackers.

She knows that the girls will do anything for her and is a wee bit of a princess (in the nicest possible way)

She loves wool roving and often tries to steal a piece and run off with it saying softie, softie. She loves to rub soft things on her cheek and nose.

She has a favourite blankie which is super soft.

If she grabs something she is not meant to have she will run with it and throw it as soon as you catch up with her.

Today, she did her first wee wee in her potty!!! We are all very proud.

But this Mama is a little silly and sad too knowing that she is just growing up too fast already.

 Here is the beginnings of a little vest for Nola.

 I'm using some lush Rowan Savannah DK cotton /silk yarn in turquoise.


  1. How wise of you Suzy to blog those first words - I remember a few of my sons, but my youngest daughter feels very put out that I cannot remember hers x.

  2. Love the tag, so cute! And all the bits about Nola, so cute!! Can't wait to see the finished vest, such a lovely colour.

  3. my wee girl got that book for christmas too. :) oh how they grow, way too fast. all those sweet little ways they speak... how i wish it would stay that way forever.
    your yarn sounds heavenly,, i do love a good yarn. and the tag, very perfect!

  4. oh there is such joy here in this space you are creating. I love it so.

    following ya now from the gfc link up. I'd love it if you'd join me at Local Sugar Hawaii . We're writing a story there, together, and I'd love for you to be a part of the journey.


  5. Your beautiful wee baby is growing so quickly.
    I think you are so smart to write down her vocabulary,
    I wish I had done some of that when my children were
    smaller, the memory forgets.
    I must tell you I am so envious that your LYS carries Rowan,
    this is my first time ever knitting with it and I love it. Now
    I must order this Savannah DK you speak of, oh my!

  6. she's adorable!!!! and is going to be precious in that little vest!!! I love all Rowan---but have never tried Savannah!!! Hope I can find some to fondle!!!!

  7. I love the yarn you chose for the milo!! I bet it feels heavenly and squishy :) It's going to be beautiful when it's all knit up :)

  8. So wise of you to write down those first words, I have left it too late now. That yarn is lovely as it is that label you found, wonderful!

  9. Adorable! I recorded Adrian's "Toddlerese" on my blog, and I remember Gabriel making up his own words for things. Good to make note of things in these sweet, early years...

  10. Beautiful blog, it is my first visit via the yarn along.
    I love baby voices so much, my 10 month old is starting to talk. so much fun and utterly adorable.
    I love that tag, know where to buy them?

  11. Hi new reader and follower from the blog hop! Your daughter is absolutely adorable and that book looks really cute too, I bet my daughter would love it!


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.