
Friday 12 October 2012

{Race} 5 minute Friday


I wake up, adrenaline surges.
Sometimes it feels like the arc of a rainbow rising through plumes of majestic, hopeful sunlight and warm, fertile rain before landing on gold.

Sometimes it feels like an ache before a storm; a build up of pressure against the valve of now and all now demands.

Life can feel like a race.

But really, truly, it's not.

I have learnt to let go of the dream of that gold medal as soon as I feel the panic thrum as if my life depends upon it.

Because not everything I think counts, counts.

So I place these pieces of me, the fragile ones that need affirmation, that worry about the future, that feel overwhelmed by a day that has barely begun, upon His alter and ask Him to burn them up and leave me  only that which is necessary, truly necessary to win this race.

And I am left with a little piece of glowing gold at the end of this rainbow.

A small Olympic torch with which to light my way to the end.

A fragment of light that has refracted

through this temporal prism

only to be passed back into light again

through an eternal one.

Five Minute Friday


  1. This post is beyond beautiful.

  2. I don't think life is a race, either.
    Your rainbow metaphor is BEAUTIFUL.

  3. I loved the poetry of your post. The images were strong and reminded me to surrender to the creator. It is so true that days can be overwhelming before they've begun!

  4. You did it once again my dear, this is just beauiful!
    And thank you for the PDF!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Great perspective. I think most of us (including me) thought about running. I love that submission and placing it all in His hands is the answer to "a build up of pressure against the valve of now and all now demands".

  6. Wow... beautiful! I loved "Because not everything I think counts, counts." (Isn't that the truth on any given day?) and, "So I place these pieces of me, the fragile ones that need affirmation, that worry about the future, that feel overwhelmed by a day that has barely begun, upon His alter..." Good advice right there!

  7. gorgeous picture! we used to wake up to those almost every day in Hawaii! I love the light metaphor. Lovely.

  8. Because not everything I think counts, counts. <- Nice.

  9. This piece speaks directly to my heart, I relate to it completely. Thanks for sharing. And the photo is wonderful!

  10. Fantastic. I could feel my pulse slow to the rhythm of real life as these truths took their place in my soul. Why do we need such constant reminders?

    Lorretta at Dancing on the Dash


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.