
Monday 13 August 2012


Joining Amanda at Habit of Being for "Weekending"


She had just thrown her whole cheese sandwich to the ducks.
Well it kind of plopped about half a metre away from her feet and swilled around.
Then she wobbled ever so slightly and plopped herself  right next to it.

I love one year olds.


If the girls can find something to climb, they will climb it.

Matilda is my little dreamer.

She loves to live in her own quiet world of imagination.

I love this picture of her.

I love the way her gold green eyes gaze off to faraway places.


 Yesterday we took a trip to the beach.

It was lovely and warm with a cool gentle breeze blowing salty through the air.

The girls love searching for beautiful shells and stones and digging boats shapes into the sand.


It was perfect kite flying weather!



This little lady is becoming such a character!

She loves to do everything the other girls are doing and get herself really involved in whatever the activity of the moment is.

She took her trench digging very seriously indeed!


She also loves my sunglasses... and everyone elses shoes and hats, much more than her own of course



The girls played in the waves till their lips were purple!

We are still enjoying our lazy Summer. I think today will be a quiet day of washing towels, hoovering sand, warm baths and garden play.


  1. Such a lovely weekend! I'm so glad you shared it. xo

  2. I do adore seeing all your seaside photos. I find being at the beach touches something deep inside of me giving me strength. Silly I know, but true. Is the water cold there? I ask because you mentioned purple lips,; our water has been a steady 84 degrees, which I think is a little too warm.

  3. What a wonderful weekend, and your plans for today sound lovely too. Enjoy!

  4. Wonderful indeed! Have a great week, friend!

  5. oh such a beautiful weekend!
    my kids and i were talking all last week and this weekend about how it was 20 degrees there in the summer. we were all so jealous. :)

    the beach is one of our favorite places too!

  6. it sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. and i know about the growing up and growing independent bit. my oldest is spreading her wings and wanting to spread them further and further and this mama is just a bit breathless over it all.

  7. The water is cold Tracey :) But you get used to it pretty quickly. sometimes you can forget how cold it is and stay in a little too long :)

  8. Very nice. Always love your photos. I miss the beach , we have so many nearby and no transportation right now. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. Hey girl! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. I'm one of the co-hosts! Thanks for linking up!

    Looking forward to getting to know you better! :)


  10. wow...could your photos be more beautiful?
    (answer: NO!))


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.