
Monday 6 August 2012


Joining Amanda at Habit of Being for Weekending 

Saturday was all about making Boo's dreams come true... This means a visit to the Parrot Zoo.

Bujana spent nearly the whole time in the walk in aviary where there was every manner of bird you can imagine.

The birds were very beautiful and friendly. The girls soon found that if they put the millet seed on their shoulders they would hop on quite happily.

Boo fell in love with a yellow ring necked parakeet. We are now looking into the ins and outs of having an out door aviary, as Boo has been talking about nothing other than birds for the last few months. I so want to encourage her passion.

The evening ended perfectly as we snuggled up on the sofa to watch the three British Olympic gold medals of the day! The girls have been really inspired by the Olympics, especially Jessica Ennis. They keep doing running races outside in the garden and awarding each other pretend medals :)

At the Parrot Zoo, Fina spent a lot of time on the out door play equipment pretending to be an Olympic athlete. I had to say things like. "Wow! This has never been attempted before"
and "The rest of the field is closing in on her, can she retain her Olympic title?"
and, of course, finally "Yes! She's done it again, Seraphina Kopliku crosses the line first in record time!"


Sunday we caught the last of the days sunlight and went for a wander.

While the girls played Frisbee with Daddy, Nola and I went into the woods.
Nola found a hut made of sticks.

There was a little Nola sized tree stump in the hut.  It was very inviting and Mama was only a little disappointed that there was not one her size in there too :)

We sung "We're going on a Bear Hunt" and eventually got to Nola's favourite part... The squelchy, squerchy mud of course!

Nola is fascinated with mud and puddles. It wasn't long before she had parked herself squarely in one particularly squelchy, squerchy one :)

*** Untitled ***
Seraphina found a "treasure" at the Parrot Zoo... A bright green parakeet tail feather!
She has been holding it tight ever since:)

Untitled *** Untitled Untitled ***
 Then suddenly, in good old British Summer time tradition, the heavens opened. We were drenched within moments. The girls love rain and even though the thunder rumbled above they couldn't help but do their happy rain dance!

Untitled Warm baths all round before bed!


  1. yes, there are 'and she's done it!' games here too. lol
    what a treat, that feather and that stump.
    beautiful shots as always.

  2. What a treasure to find the perfect little stick tent for Nola. My goodness, she is just adorable, but then all your girls are too.
    We have been watching the Olympics here too, it really makes you want to get outside and move!
    How is the raw eating coming along? I am beginning Day three of my juice/smoothie fast....not really sure if I can make it the whole ten days!

  3. That little hut is awesome, it was made for Nola. Looks like a beautiful weekend.

  4. What a perfect weekend! I love that shot of your little one in the mud, that is a good time! We've been watching Olympic highlights on the computer a bunch, so fun to see the kids be inspired.

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend...and lots of great time outdoors. My girls have also been inspired by the Olympics....we have a young gymnast here who was inspired by Team USA's success. Happy day to you!

  6. BEAUTIFUL pics!
    What a nice weekend. : )

  7. love the discovery of the green feather, the way she's holding it, clearly dear to her already. sounds like a great weekend, especially getting caught in the rain, finishing the day with a warm cozy!

  8. It sounds wonderful. I wish the heavens would open like that here from time to time. Such fun!

  9. It rained here but only a tiny bitty bit. Not enough to fill the neighbor's very shallow duck pond. Love the photos!!

  10. Participating in the GFC Blog Hop for the first time! I'm your newest follower. :)


  11. What a fun weekend... and beautifully captured in these photos, of course. I love her little treasure. Those are the moments a childhood is made of...

  12. what a great weekend you had! fabulous pictures! stopping by from the link up! so glad i did because your blog is super cute! cant wait to read more :)

  13. These are great pictures!!! :)

    Thanks for linking up to the HOP today!

  14. Aww, looks like so much fun! And a parrot zoo sounds quite wonderful, too!

  15. What beautiful photos. She is gorgeous. New follower!

  16. Those are great pictures.
    Newest GFC follower from the hop. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can. I am hosting Like Me on facebook tomorrow. Feel free to stop by and link up your fan page.


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Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
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