
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Now we are Six!!! Matilda Mermaid's Birthday:)


I had a lovely and relaxing couple of hours on Saturday afternoon making these little felt fish to go in take home party tins. I also included a little marble bag with 5 marbles a balloon and a piece of cake in the tins.


I love working with felt, it is soft to touch, easy to sew and can be used to make almost anything.

matilda mermaid light

Here is my mermaid, who has wished for a real mermaid's tail for as long as I can remember!

Seraphina threaded these buttons to make a shiny necklace to go with her sister's costume.

I loved the way she was so specific about each and every button she chose, taking great care to choose "just the right one" and put it in "just the right place"

mermaid matilda

Emmy and Boo painted this under water scene on a sheet to hang in our living room for Matilda's party.


It was still snowing on her birthday.

I went outside in the morning and found some first signs of spring.

signs of spring


Beautiful handmade birthday cards!!!


Piles of left over cake!!!


Bujana enjoying one of the fruit kebabs she made for the party.


"Starfish sandwiches"


New playsilks to play with!


Early morning unwrapping of presents.
Daddy balancing a Nola and a strong cup of coffee.

matildas birthday

nell and splish

Look at these beautiful hand crocheted dollies Matilda received as a gift from a kind friend.

They have been named Nell and Splish :)

Matilda also received an Ostheimer mermaid figurine, a silk streamer, some hand made ( by Boo, Emmy and I) dolls house dollies, some books, a dolphin mosaic, and a lovely little keepsake tin.

I like to keep gifts to a minimum ideally on birthdays.

I also like to buy thrifted, fair-trade and ethically sourced gifts.

I like to include handmade gifts too as I hope to pass along to the girls the value of handmade and the intention and love behind giving rather than just the end product.

I think that the birth-DAY in itself can be made special, not simply through unwrapping things but through having a unique experience.

The celebration being the celebration of the unique character of the child and his/her
being a cherished part of their family!

pepper boats

Pirate pepper boats filled with cous cous.


blue shell pasta

Turquoise shell pasta and parmesan.... although they look a little green in this pic don't they :)


Sparklers on the birthday cake.


Nola Jo in her party dress.

nola with her crocheted knot dolly

With a beautiful handmade knot dolly from the same talented friend who made Tilda's dollies.

Isn't she soft looking.

Perfect for little hands.


  1. What a lovely, warm birthday! A memory to last a lifetime!

  2. Happiest of birthday's to your six year old! What a great day it looks like you all had. I absolutely love the mermaid tail! I can not wait to show my daughter your post. The wee one here loves mermaids too and I think Erin [my daughter] could get some wonderful ideas from you.
    I totally agree about good art supplies for children and always try to buy the best my budget can afford.
    I hope you are having a lovely Suzy!

  3. That looks like a most magical birthday! I adore your little fish creations, and I bet all of those lucky kiddos did too. :) Her mermaid fin is adorable, did you make it? From the photos it looks like a wonderful time was had by all, nice work Suzy! :)

  4. What a magical birthday for a sweet girl! Looks like she had a beautiful celebration. The mermaid costume is gorgeous. As for Stockmar crayons. We have had the same ones since Scarlett was 3. She is turning 9 next month and they still have plenty of years left. The seem to last forever!

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  6. That looks so fun! I love her costume and those little fish ~ wonderful :)

  7. I am so impressed by this beautiful birthday! I would love to see a tutorial on how you did the fish sometime...especially the stitching.

  8. Thank you so much Mia :)
    I will have get round to doing that tutorial sometime.
    Thanks for the idea :)


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