
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Simplicity Parenting

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Simplicity Parenting takes inspiration from many Waldorf principles but is not wholly limited to them.

I found the book really helped echo and consolidate many of my own thoughts on establishing a rhythmic, connected, calm and centered home environment for children to grow and learn naturally in.

The kind of environment that just inspires their true, joyful selves to flourish.

It also helped me see more clearly how essentially, the atmosphere of a home emanates from me the parent.

Truly, the greatest gift I can give my children is a peaceful, joyful, grateful, happy mother.

From my own central source of fulfilment and peace I can effectively feed, nourish and satisfy them.

When my heart is still and satisfied, their hearts will be to.

 Children are like little mirrors.

They reflect the needs and states of those around them.

I need never feel guilty about taking time to feed my own creativity, peace and joy.

In the end my happiness is a gift to them as much as it is to me.

I want them to remember a smiling Mama. Even on days when life got a little topsy turvy.

It is really amazing how well children respond to the reduction in "noise" within a home.

I have found that when we stick to doing one or two things properly in a day with a sense of un-rushed purpose, taking time for snacks, rests, stories and play, the children just soak their experiences up.

They enter into the experiences of learning at a deeper level and are able to process them better than when we rush around trying to fit in a hundred superficial "projects".

Noise can mean so many things can't it.

Too much stimulation, too much choice, too much being "talked to" instead of listened to.

Simplicity is healthful for parents and children alike.

When life is simple it is content.

Each moment is lived fully and fully lived.

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  1. I am just loving the sweet photos of Nola in that pastel-embroidered dress! And your knitting project looks wonderful.

    Count me in for the giveaway. Every day I pray for peace and joy in my home...and then the kids wake up!

  2. What a wonderful sounding book, I would lovew the chance to be in the draw, thank you x.

  3. would love to read this book, sounds just like something i would relish. thank you suzy!

  4. I love all these words, Suzy. I felt comforted and affirmed, joyful and present, just as I always do when I come here. I LOVE coming here. Thank you, thank you.

    I am seeking to simplify, more and more, even as my kids add more and more to their personal To Do lists! I love our down time so very much—the kids get deep into their creative projects and there is room too, for me to immerse myself in my own good things. And yes, to the peaceful parent, the one who they can come to and find reassurance and happiness. I want to say Yes and Yes! to so many of your words, Suzy. So, please consider this comment to be a wholehearted YES to all the words in this post!

    I would love to be part your giveaway. That book seems just lovely.Thank you so much for offering it.

    And your last words about Nola in her wrap made me feel SO warm and happy for you!

  5. Such beauty in those stitches, Suzy. Thanks for sharing the photos. And thanks for the great giveaway. I've had this book on my wish list for a bit :) Peace, love and light.

  6. The book sounds wonderful, count me in the giveaway if you are happy to post to Australia. I love the colour of the yarn in your current knitting project. As for your babe Nola, she is as gorgeous as ever. I can see why she would love her wrap, it is so very pretty. Jacinta

  7. Being a mother of a restless and hyper-active toddler, this book seems like the one I should read. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Oh my, your knitting project is just beautiful. I hope one day to have the skill to knit something just as lovely. Miss Nola is getting so big and hurray for nap schedules!

  9. Oh, the book recommendation is passing on! I'm getting more and more interested, would be great to win.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I always love getting new bits of useful information. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I've been wanting to read this book! It looks so good.

    Thank you!


  12. Lovely knitting! Everything looks so delicate. Thank you for offering a chance to win the book. We have so much down sizing to do here. Last week I managed to fill several bags of kids stuff too. It is amazing how much we got rid of and how much we still have.

  13. I have heard quite a bit about the book now and it sounds just good - I check in our library but thy don't stock it. :(
    Oh, there is some lovely knitting happening in your home, I love that embroidery!
    ...and such a gorgeous babe.
    Happy knitting!

  14. that sounds like a book I'd like to read! I'm another mama that loves her wrap!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  15. Yes, please enter me in the draw, this book rocks!
    P.S. Your photos are gorgous and your knitted sweater is looking great, so warm and cosy (can't wait to see how it looks when finished!).

  16. Oh goodness, after my post today, I think I could really use this! Thanks for the opportunity Suzy!!

  17. Sounds like a wonderful book, consider me entered. :) The words "I'm bored" have never been allowed in my home. ;) Actually, the girls don't know what to say when friends make this statement. Bored? When the world is full of books, paper, pencils, sticks, pets... ? Simplicity. Happy, Peaceful, Simplicity. :)

  18. Please include me in your giveaway. The photos are always lovely, and it's nice to see your growing family.
    Have a blessed, peaceful summer.

  19. This book is the single most important parenting book I've read. So much of it I've implemented in my home. I don't need to be in the giveaway, but I am so glad your gifting it! A must read for parents. I actually give it to friends I know who will take it to heart!

  20. This book sounds amazing! I would love to be included in the chance to win.
    Thank you!

  21. This sounds like something I absolutely would love. thank you!


  22. i will take a nola wrap too please!
    this book sounds wonderful suzy - i am on a reading frenzy this summer :)

  23. I've been so so wanting to read this book! Thanks. :-)


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.