
Sunday 27 February 2011

There is a place, beyond this place... A week of thankfulness {Multitudes on Mondays}

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There is a place, beyond this place.
Sunlit strands curve outward and onward,
Evoking the soft sting of a memory.
Sighing deep as a teardrop drawn from the dawn.

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Weary heart don't forget, all colours are birthed,
From the light that finds you here in the dark.
In this fractured moment, Love beckons unflinching.
"Cup your hands and hold the weightless gold of eternity.
Release all else,
This is the way,

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Here, in this moment with all it's flaws,
The sodden clay, the tear stained pores,
Lies a germinating soil.
From which grain can grow.
In that moment,
when life reveals its true purpose,
let go,
and Love will break like a wave, trembling,
Over the bare ground of your soul.

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Seek that pearl. Sell all else!
Abandon your heart to the deep.
Beneath, and beyond the endless fields of desire and fear,
The seed waits for water.
Earthy, pure.



  1. Lovely. Your poetry always touches my heart! Have a grand day! Cathy

  2. What beautiful photos and words. Full of light.

  3. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. pictures, words, love.

  4. Your words bring such peace and serenity, thank you...

  5. I’m here from Ann’s this afternoon.

    First – these words – all of them really – but these especially, “ and Love will break like a wave, trembling,
    Over the bare ground of your soul.” Wow. Thank you for those.

    And if I have to pick just one from your list, I pick: Letting go of fears and the idea of what things "should be". (because I have to do this so often too. My mom said “shoulda, woulda, coulda” all the time when I was a kid – it isn’t about that – it’s about what is – what God is creating through me – and you – amen – amen)

    These words made me smile. Thank you.

    God Bless you and all of yours

  6. so many beautiful moments to be thankful for. Your daughters lit up curls make her look like a little angel


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.