
Wednesday 17 November 2010

Yarn Along

Joining Ginny today for another lovely "Yarn Along"!

Well I finished up that "duckling yellow" yarn on two little mittens to go with the bonnet and bootee set. I just have to sew the second one up.

The weather has turned really bitter over the last week or so. This was inspiration enough for me to finally use some lovely rainbow DK yarn Ive had at the bottom of my knitting basket for way to long.

Matilda got a brand new Beret which I knitted up over the weekend.

 Now I'm knitting through one for Boo too!

The patterns come from this lovely little book. I've already made up three sets of simple socks, and three boleros from this book. They were both fun, quick and simple to knit as are the berets.

 My kind of knitting :)

As for our reading, well we've been revisiting one of our favourites "The Princess and the Goblin".

I have had so much fun reading this book aloud to the girls the story is full of wonderful old fashioned terminology and the characters are so full of life.


  1. Really lovely!! You do very nice work!I should finish that lap afghan!!! I also have a reason to start our new little wee on who is on the way. Found out yesterday he's a boy! So come March I will have 7 grandsons and 4 granddaughters.

  2. Congratulations! How exciting. I bet you'll have fun knitting for your new wee one :)

  3. I love your knits! I'd forgotten all about The Princess and The Goblin, a favorite I'm going to find for my daughter...thank yoU!

  4. Beautiful work! I love the colorway and fit of that hat!!

  5. How colorful! Love MacDonald...what could be better!

  6. I am SO getting that book. That berat is AWESOME!! I love it. I want one. I have some pink yarn looking for a pattern. Great JOB!!

  7. That beret is so cute! My daughter is asking for a beret for Christmas. The rainbow yarn is adorable.

  8. The Princess and the Goblin is one of our favorites here too, what an adorable beret, I absolutely love the colors, so cheery and sweet on your little cutie :)

  9. The beret is just so sweet in beautiful colors.

  10. I love that beret. She certainly knows how to wear it.

  11. Knit berets, how fun! Some day I'll progress to something as beautiful. Cheers~

  12. The Princess and the Goblin is on my reading list. Perhaps during the holidays I'll get to it. That beret is darling! So nice meeting you.

  13. The beret is beautiful! We love The Princess and the Goblin so much. I still have my childhood copy that was read many times. My boys love it too!


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