
Wednesday 28 July 2010

A Beautiful Morning.... Wandering Wednesday

I woke so early this morning.
Early mornings always seem to set the day peaceful.

Giving myself grace all the while for those times when my bed just feels too wonderful and my body too weary to rise from it at first light.

Tani rose at 4 am to take our dear nephew who has been staying with us a while to the airport. I couldn't get back to sleep so I surrendered to the soft, gentle sunlight that was already beginning to filter and stream over the houses and trees outside my window.

First I made tea.... Fair trade red bush with a little milk.... and what goes best with tea? Cake of course.

We baked apple cake and banana bread yesterday in anticipation of an early morning and a long journey today.

 I cut myself a thick slice and layer it with butter.

I found my favourite spot, beside the window to read...

"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. "

Soon my soul is full too.

Before long the sound of little feet find their way to my spot by the window and then inevitably two little hands find their way to my cake.

Another slice is served with a cup of blueberries for the kitten sitting on the box beside her. For a little while... "All is peaceful in the old white cabin, everyone has his own job to do everyone is happy"...until...

Until she remembers the baby twins Sylvie and Goldie haven't had their breakfast yet!
"Listen, day are kying Mummy! Day need Dare Booberries ana cake too!"

While the babies eat I take out a pile of cleaning cloths and begin morning chores of cleaning, floors, sides, doors, windowsills.

But this little girl who likes to do everything her Mummy does must have her own cloth too.
She diligently "helps" and I get a nice smeary ahem, I mean "shiny" window for her trouble.

Soon pair of feet number two find their way downstairs, Lured by the smell of sweet treats for breakfast.

I wander outside while all is quiet and check the veggie plot.

I pick off a few pesky snails and spray some of my homemade chili, garlic, onion soap and water pesticide on the bugs that have nibbled away three of my bean plants.

I'm thinking to myself, that the smell alone should do the trick!

I peep through the window, the girls are stacking building blocks.

With a moment to myself.

I take this photo. Inspired by Gardenmama's "Wandering Wednesday".

Then since we are all about getting real and "taking off the layers;)" And our clover patch of a lawn did look so inviting, green, fresh and cool I decided I'd set my feet free.

It felt wonderful!

My un-manicured feet, dewy wet and fully woken now to the day ahead.

Barefoot and happy, I fill a watering can to the brim and take it to our rather sad and limp looking potted tomato plant.

But wherever you find me.... You'll be bound to find these two too close behind.
 "Here Mummy taste dis storeberry,"

Tiny, green strawberry gratefully received and not half eaten already and I am bestowed " a reeealy beeefull flower Mummy.... For your's hair."

The wild flower seeds we planted in the Fairy garden in Spring bring so many butterflies and Bumble bees to our garden! Bug lover Fina inspects.

Those fairies are such good hard working gardeners.

Fina finding a piece of wood to make her own horsey...

And the day beckons.... So off I go too.

Running two steps behind but enjoying the journey.

Beautiful morning to you Friends!


  1. I loved reading about your morning - thank you. What a beautiful idea this is - connecting mothers all over the world. xx

  2. What a lovely morning... :)

  3. It sounds like a wonderful morning. I really love all the pictures you put up to share with us.

  4. Wonderful post...did you find any four leafed cloves? Beautiful pictures as always! Cathy

  5. i love when you write. don't stop.

  6. What a beautiful day... GIft after Gift. Thank you for letting us share in it!

  7. Your little girls add such sweetness ...

  8. what a beautiful morning...beautiful garden...beautiful soul you have, friend.

  9. so beautiful ... I get up really early also, but I miss the gentleness of it, these days its because there's so much to do. You have a darling family and a fabulous garden.

  10. tea and cake at 4am, awesome! (if im ever up that early i might do the same because it sounds like fun) What a beautiful morning. Lovely to see pictures of your wonderful garden

  11. Ahh, tis so sweet to delight yourself in the lord and in your family. May the lord grace you with many such mornings.

  12. such beauty and love you are surrounded by!
    your yard looks lovely with so much growth and play!
    thank you for sharing such a lovely contribution to 'wandering wednesday' xo


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.