
Monday 17 May 2010

Thankful Oh so thankful ... for this little girl's birthday

Linger... ( A poem i wrote for you my sweet girl)

I will choose to linger
on that little face just a little more tonight.
These moments add up.They are the brush strokes of a bigger picture.
If I choose to rush along, getting things done and forget to linger on those features. They will change and I will have missed them. The way they are, just for today. Tomorrow, somehow
they will be different.
I will deliberately, stroke your cheek and tell you what you mean to me. Look in your eyes for longer than I normally would as I lay you in your cot tonight.
Your sweet pixie grin and sparkling eyes. The feet that run about all day, so fast
I can't keep up with them.
I will choose to linger
Elongate the time we have on the evening of the 781st day since my eyes first gazed into yours. That difficult birth. You came out blue and barely breathing, your little hand numb from a damaged nerve.
And now, you have so much joy and spirit and energy.
You dance in the sun, and splash in the puddles. You know how to really live!
So now as I sing you a lullaby, I will choose to wait one minute more, take it to another verse.
Because each and every time I let that moment linger.
Time slows down.
And I get the chance to really know who you are just a little bit more.
A precious soul given to me, to hold, behold, and love.

Happy Birthday Princess!


  1. And an owl cake too - what more could you ask for?

  2. heehee!
    yes, she does love owls :)

  3. Hello Suzy~your poem that you wrote for your lovely little girl of her birthday is so beautiful~it brought tears to my eyes! They grow so fast~blink our eyes and we just might miss it! The owl cake must have been a delightful surprise for your little girl! God bless,Rose

  4. Thanks for stopping by Suzy! You have some precious children here! A lot to be thankful for!

  5. oh this is beauty... i will be visiting here... bless you. e.

  6. beautiful words and photos!

  7. such a sweetie! love that precious smile. happy birthday to your little one.

  8. What a wonderful gift to her...your special words to her. A treasure beyond any price. She is a delight and so is her mother!!! Well done!! Cathy

  9. I love the posts. the atmosphere of the blog makes me feel so calm. The cake was so precious and i very much plan on making one for a friend's birthday. Also, i can't say that i am as passionate as you to go green, but when you mentioned fair trade that is something that i perked up at. i am a student at a strongly mission-oriented university and to us fair trade is a huge deal, especially when it comes to the rights of workers and human trafficking. on that alone i support you all the way.


I treasure each and every one of your comments.
Your kind words never fail to bring a smile to my face:)
At the moment I am going through a busy season of life with 5 girls under my wing! I may not always be able to respond immediately but please know that every word left here is read and appreciated deeply.